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Connecting Social-Emotional Development, Academic Achievement, and On-Track Outcomes

Connecting Social-Emotional Development, Academic Achievement, and On-Track Outcomes

Connecting Social-Emotional Development, Academic Achievement, and On-Track Outcomes: A Multi-District Study of Grades 3 to 10 Students Supported by City Year AmeriCorps Members May 20, 2020By Robert Balfanz and Vaughan Byrnes There is a growing understanding that an integrated approach to social, emotional, and academic development provides the best path toward ensuring all students graduate […]


HomeWork Guide for Parents

HomeWork Guide for Parents

HomeWork: Lessons Learned in the Home for Success in School & Life is a resource book for training parents and those in parenting roles to guide their child(ren) in the “home” ways of supporting their learning in school and beyond. HomeWork strives to equip parents well, and build their confidence for success in this role. Through […]


Keeping Secondary School Students Connected to School When Schooling is Remote

Keeping Secondary School Students Connected to School When Schooling is Remote

As more and more schools close in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, its important to consider how to keep all students connected to school when it is remote. Robert Balfanz, director of the Everyone Graduates Center and research professor at the Center for Safe and Healthy School at Johns Hopkins University School of Education, highlights […]


2019 Building a Grad Nation Report: Progress and Challenge in Raising High School Graduation Rates

2019 Building a Grad Nation Report: Progress and Challenge in Raising High School Graduation Rates

New In-Depth Analysis of High School Graduation Rates Reveals Progress is Real, But Slowing, Indicating Urgency to Double Down on Equity Gaps The ‘Building a Grad Nation’ Report’s First-Ever Secondary School Improvement Index Shows More Than Two Thirds of States Have Increased Graduation Rates and Other Measures Of Academic Achievement, Mitigating Concerns Around Diminished Graduation […]


Join us for the release of the Building a Grad Nation report

Join us for the release of the Building a Grad Nation report

June 11, 20199:00am – 11:30am Alliance for Excellent Education1201 Connecticut Avenue NorthwestSuite #901 (Ninth Floor)Washington, DC 20036 REGISTER HERE The convening partners of the GradNation campaign—America’s Promise Alliance, The Alliance for Excellent Education, Civic, and the Everyone Graduates Center—invite you to learn more about the current state of high school graduation in our country. The […]


Boston Opportunity Agenda report validates College, Career and Life Readiness metrics, and connections between high school course work, college and career success

Boston Opportunity Agenda report validates College, Career and Life Readiness metrics, and connections between high school course work, college and career success

Report tracking Boston Public Schools students finds high GPA, MassCore curriculum and attendance are predictors of success after graduation. The latest report, College, Career and Life Readiness: A Look at High School Indicators of Post-Secondary Outcomes in Boston, by Robert Blafanz and Vaughan Byrnes in partnership with the Boston Opportunity Agenda and Boston Public Schools, […]


Delineating the “duplicity of equality” in academic placement for African American families

Delineating the “duplicity of equality” in academic placement for African American families

The Duplicity of Equality: An Analysis of Academic Placement in a Racially Diverse School and a Black Community is the latest study by researcher and associate professor Richard Lofton, Jr., of the Center for Social Organization of Schools at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. This study explores how African American parents come to […]


Implementation of an Early Warning Indicator and Intervention System

Implementation of an Early Warning Indicator and Intervention System

By Marcia H. Davis, Martha Abele Mac Iver, Robert W. Balfanz, Marc L. Stein, and Joanna Hornig Fox This study focuses on the implementation of an early warning indicator and intervention system in 20 southern high schools. This model included a team of teachers, counselors, and student support services personnel who analyzed ninth- grade student-level […]


Great American High School Campaign: Reforming the Nation’s Remaining Low-Performing High Schools

Great American High School Campaign: Reforming the Nation’s Remaining Low-Performing High Schools

After more than a decade of progress in improving high school graduation rates, there remain about 1,300 traditional high schools in need of serious improvement and redesign, according to new research from the GradNation campaign. Among them are more than 800 low-graduation-rate high schools with an average graduation rate of 49 percent. From the inner […]


Data Matters: Using Chronic Absence to Accelerate Action for Student Success

Data Matters: Using Chronic Absence to Accelerate Action for Student Success

Data Matters Using Chronic Absence to Accelerate Action for Student Success, by Hedy N. Chang, Lauren Bauer and Vaughan Byrnes, September 2018. This report provides a national and state analysis of how many schools face high levels of chronic absence and discusses the implications for state and local action. Based on data released by the […]