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Join us for the release of the Building a Grad Nation report

Join us for the release of the Building a Grad Nation report

June 11, 2019
9:00am – 11:30am

Alliance for Excellent Education
1201 Connecticut Avenue Northwest
Suite #901 (Ninth Floor)
Washington, DC 20036


The convening partners of the GradNation campaign—America’s Promise Alliance, The Alliance for Excellent Education, Civic, and the Everyone Graduates Center—invite you to learn more about the current state of high school graduation in our country.

The current national graduation rate now stands at 84.6 percent—a new all-time high—and more than three million more students have graduated from high school rather than dropping out, resulting in significant benefits for them, our economy, and our nation. But this year’s report comes at a time when graduation rate gains are slowing, and effort must be redoubled to close stubborn equity gaps and ensure students are leaving high school better prepared for college and career.

The event will highlight the release of the 2019 Building a Grad Nation report authored by Civic and The Everyone Graduates Center, and include two moderated panels conversation to address the key challenges facing homeless students, and how efforts at improving high school graduation rates has led to stronger secondary and postsecondary outcomes for students, featuring voices from diverse leaders in the field. Speakers will include:

  • Robert Balfanz, Director, The Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University
  • John Bridgeland, Founder and CEO, Civic
  • Deborah Delisle, President and CEO, Alliance for Excellent Education
  • Barbara Duffield, Executive Director, SchoolHouse Connection
  • John Gomperts, President and CEO, America’s Promise Alliance Representative
  • John B. King Jr., former U.S. Secretary of Education and President and CEO of The Education Trust
  • Stanley Litow, Professor at Columbia and Duke University, and Innovator in Residence at Duke; President Emeritus of the IBM Foundation
  • Kathi Sheffel, McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison, Fairfax County Public Schools
  • Elaine Williams, SchoolHouse Connection Young Leader

Light refreshments available at 9:00, programming to begin promptly at 9:30am ET.

Live streaming details will be sent to registrants the week before the event.

Please follow this link to register.

About the Building A Grad Nation Report

The 2019 Building a Grad Nation report is co-authored by Civic and Everyone Graduates Center, and released in partnership with America’s Promise Alliance and the Alliance for Excellent Education. The report examines both progress and challenges toward reaching the GradNation campaign goal of a national on-time graduation rate of 90 percent. The report is supported by AT&T as lead sponsor and Pure Edge and the Raikes Foundation as supporting sponsors.

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