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Tools and Models  // Browsing posts in Tools and Models

An Early Warning System

An Early Warning System

This article for practitioners summarizes work by Everyone Graduates researchers on early indicators of dropout. We note that high school dropout often has been viewed as an event that is mysterious and difficult to predict. Our work in Philadelphia, however, suggests that the vast majority of dropouts sent signals of being on the path to […]


Three Steps to Building an Early Warning and Intervention System for Potential Dropouts

Three Steps to Building an Early Warning and Intervention System for Potential Dropouts

Most dropouts are identifiable years before they dropout, struggle in or disengage from school for three to four or more years before they dropout, are preventable, and ultimately want to graduate from high school. This PowerPoint offers three steps toward reducing dropouts in your community. Step 1: Understand the dropout problem in your community. Step […]


A Curriculum of Engagement: Micro-process Interventions that Support Successful Transitions from Middle to High School

A Curriculum of Engagement:  Micro-process Interventions that Support Successful Transitions from Middle to High School

What are the daily actions adults in schools must take to ensure students attend regularly, are engaged in schoolwork, and learn to high standards?  This three-year project funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences is developing and piloting an attendance outreach and incentive program, an academic counseling and support program, and […]


MDRC Report on Talent Development High Schools

MDRC Report on Talent Development High Schools

MDRC, a nonpartisan, nonprofit education and social policy research organization, conducted an independent, third-party evaluation of Talent Development. This rigorous evaluation focuses on the first five high schools to begin using the model in the School District of Philadelphia. The evaluation follows 20 cohorts of ninth-grade students for up to four years of high school […]


Talent Development Secondary

Talent Development Secondary

Talent Development Secondary provides the right supports to the right students at the right time helping every student on the path to college and career readiness. With 15 years of experience in low-performing schools and a research base developed at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Education, Talent Development Secondary brings engaging instruction, solid organization and […]