For 20 years, Johns Hopkins School of Education researcher Bob Balfanz has worked to help students make it through high school. Now he’s turned his attention to helping them succeed in college.
By Andrew Myers, written for The Hub
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When Bob Balfanz stepped to the podium to open the Pathways to Adult Success National Conference in Baltimore this morning, he realized a decades-old goal.
That’s because the idea of the conference—an effort to help students from low-income communities succeed in college and beyond—was planted in the very first days of his tenure at the Johns Hopkins School of Education, almost 20 years ago. Since those early days, Balfanz, a research professor at the Center for the Social Organization of Schools and director of the Everyone Graduates Center, has built a national reputation as a reformer’s reformer.
“A key point of our work is really this research to practice, practice to research process of identifying problems and then developing approaches to correct them,” Balfanz says of his life’s work. One key finding, he says, leads to the next and the next, and it all comes together through school reforms and on-the-ground programs.