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Everyone Graduates Center  // Posts tagged as "Everyone Graduates Center"

2016 Building a Grad Nation Report

2016 Building a Grad Nation Report

The 2016 Building a Grad Nation: Progress and Challenge in Ending the High School Dropout Epidemic report is co-authored by Jennifer DePaoli and John Bridgeland of Civic Enterprises and Robert Balfanz and his team at the Everyone Graduates Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. The 2016 report is presented by lead sponsor […]


Building A College Readiness Indicator System: Progress in the Dallas Independent School District

Building A College Readiness Indicator System: Progress in the Dallas Independent School District

The Dallas Independent School District has been one of the pioneers nationally in creating a systemic district-wide initiative to develop measurable indicators of college readiness at the individual, school, and district level and to build the leadership commitment, data infrastructure, adult capacity, supports, interventions, and outreach efforts to increase college readiness and college access for […]


Using Data to Keep All Students On-Track for Graduation: Team Playbook

Using Data to Keep All Students On-Track for Graduation: Team Playbook

How can educators organize middle and high schools so they provide the supports students need to keep them in school and on-track for secondary, post-secondary, and future success?  Or more directly, how do we organize our schools so that students stay in school, behave appropriately, try hard, and succeed in their courses? A central lesson […]