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Explore published work by Everyone Graduates Center

The Everyone Graduates Center’s researchers have published many materials, from guidebooks and toolkits to articles and reports, as well as presentations. Below, you’ll find a complete list of publications, sorted alphabetically.

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Robert Balfanz   |   Douglas Mac Iver   |   James McPartland   |   Joyce Epstein

   Nettie Legters   |   Steve Sheldon    |    Martha Mac Iver   |   Stephen Plank

   Marcia Davis     |    Chris West     |    Vaughan Byrnes    |        Joanna H Fox 


New York City Finds Success in Cutting Chronic Absenteeism in School

New York City Finds Success in Cutting Chronic Absenteeism in School

Meeting the Challenge of Combating Chronic Absenteeism Impact of the NYC Mayor's Interagency Task Force on Chronic ...

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On Track for Success: The Use of Early Warning Indicator and Intervention Systems to Build a Grad Nation

On Track for Success: The Use of Early Warning Indicator and Intervention Systems to Build a Grad Nation

Early Warning Indicator and Intervention Systems (EWS) are an evolving strategic response to one of ...

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On Track to Career Success

On Track to Career Success

Insights from a Pandemic: Reflections from the On Track to Career Success Project After extensive planning ...

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Overcoming the Poverty Challenge to Enable College and Career Readiness for All: The Crucial Role of Student Supports

Overcoming the Poverty Challenge to Enable College and Career Readiness for All: The Crucial Role of Student Supports

This white paper focuses on an important and under-conceptualized thread in the weave of efforts ...

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Plessy’s Tracks: African American students confronting academic placement in a racially diverse school and African American community by Richard Lofton

Plessy’s Tracks: African American students confronting academic placement in a racially diverse school and African American community by Richard Lofton

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Portraits of Change: Aligning School and Community Resources to Reduce Chronic Absence

Portraits of Change: Aligning School and Community Resources to Reduce Chronic Absence

The Everyone Graduates Center and Attendance Works are pleased to partner on Portraits of Change: Aligning ...

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Predicting High School Outcomes in the Baltimore City Public Schools

Predicting High School Outcomes in the Baltimore City Public Schools

This study of high school outcomes in the Baltimore City Public Schools builds on substantial ...

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Present and Accounted For: Partnership Effects on Student Attendance

Present and Accounted For: Partnership Effects on Student Attendance

Reducing student absenteeism and truancy is a goal of many schools across the country. Surprisingly ...

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Preventing Missed Opportunity: Taking Collective Action to Confront Chronic Absence

Preventing Missed Opportunity: Taking Collective Action to Confront Chronic Absence

Chronic absence is a national crisis that cannot be ignored. A day lost to school absenteeism ...

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