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Explore published work by Everyone Graduates Center

The Everyone Graduates Center’s researchers have published many materials, from guidebooks and toolkits to articles and reports, as well as presentations. Below, you’ll find a complete list of publications, sorted alphabetically.

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Robert Balfanz   |   Douglas Mac Iver   |   James McPartland   |   Joyce Epstein

   Nettie Legters   |   Steve Sheldon    |    Martha Mac Iver   |   Stephen Plank

   Marcia Davis     |    Chris West     |    Vaughan Byrnes    |        Joanna H Fox 


Getting Back on-Track: Early Warning Indicator Analysis of High School & Post-Secondary Outcomes San Jose Unified School District

Getting Back on-Track: Early Warning Indicator Analysis of High School & Post-Secondary Outcomes San Jose Unified School District

This study was conducted by the Everyone Graduates Center (EGC) of the School of Education, ...

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Getting students to school: Using family and community involvement to reduce chronic absenteeism

Getting students to school: Using family and community involvement to reduce chronic absenteeism

Students who are chronically absent are more likely than other students to drop out of ...

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Grad Nation Community Guidebook provides roadmap for communities and states

Grad Nation Community Guidebook provides roadmap for communities and states

America’s Promise Alliance (America’s Promise) has updated the Grad Nation Community Guidebook, a research-based toolkit ...

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GradNation leaders sound the alarm as U.S. remains off-track to reaching 90 percent

GradNation leaders sound the alarm as U.S. remains off-track to reaching 90 percent

Recently, the U.S. Department of Education released new data to reflect the latest high school ...

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Gradual Disengagement: A Portrait of the 2008-09 Dropouts in the Baltimore City Schools

Gradual Disengagement: A Portrait of the 2008-09 Dropouts in the Baltimore City Schools

Gradual Disengagement: A Portrait of the 2008-09 Dropouts in the Baltimore City Schools examined eight ...

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Graduating America: Meeting the Challenge of Low Graduation-Rate High Schools

Graduating America: Meeting the Challenge of Low Graduation-Rate High Schools

This report is  a collaboration between the Everyone Graduates Center and Jobs for the Future. [ribbon]Summary[/ribbon] While ...

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Great American High School Campaign: Reforming the Nation’s Remaining Low-Performing High Schools

Great American High School Campaign: Reforming the Nation’s Remaining Low-Performing High Schools

After more than a decade of progress in improving high school graduation rates, there remain ...

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HomeWork Guide for Parents

HomeWork Guide for Parents

HomeWork: Lessons Learned in the Home for Success in School & Life is a resource book ...

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HomeWork: Lessons Learned in the Home for Success in School and Life

HomeWork: Lessons Learned in the Home for Success in School and Life

HomeWork: Lessons Learned in the Home for Success in School and Life is written for professionals ...

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