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Concentrated Neighborhood Poverty

Concentrated neighborhood poverty and its impact on student academic success is explored in this set of presentations and resources. First, we define poverty at the individual and neighborhood levels. We then unpack concentrated poverty by highlighting who experiences it and where it is located in the United States. We also uncover how concentrated poverty impacts student success and which districts and schools face the biggest challenges. Finally, we illuminate some of the solutions at the school and neighborhood levels.

Introduction and Prelude

Presenter: Robert Balfanz, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of Schools (CSOS)

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Act 1: Who, Where, and How? Act 2, Scene 1: Impact

Presenter: Richard Lofton, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for the Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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Act 2, Scene 2: New School, District, and School Analyses

Presenter: Daniel Princiotta, PhD Student, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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Act 3: Solutions

Presenter: Maxine J. Wood, EdD, Director/Senior Advisor, Pathways from Poverty, Center for the Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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