Talent Development Secondary provides guidance for curricular support across disciplines. At the middle grades level, this includes support for science and social studies.
The Talent Development Middle Grades (TDMG) United States history curriculum brings together the award-winning, ten-volume series A History of US by Joy Hakim and ten teaching guides, resource books, and web-based lessons developed by Talent Development at Johns Hopkins University. The curriculum includes the use of primary sources, simulations, writing assignments, extension activities, and assessments. This curriculum is aligned with National Standards for United States History.
Learn more at www.talentdevelopmentsecondary.com.
The Talent Development Middle Grades (TDMG) has developed curriculum to accompany Joy Hakim’s The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way and Newton at the Center. These volumes cover the history of scientific development from the ancient Greeks to the dawn of the 20th century. Lesson plans include hands-on activities, integrated reading strategies, review lessons, assessments, and multidisciplinary connections to extend each lesson. The TDMG-produced curriculum was published by Smithsonian Books in 2006. TDMG also helps teachers implement science modules developed by the Full Option Science System (FOSS) at Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley,and Science and Technology for Children (STC) from the National Science Resources Center. Schools choose the order in which the modular units are taught, both over the school year and among grades. TDMG has created supplementary reading activities and lesson plans for many of these modules.
Learn more at www.talentdevelopmentsecondary.com.