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Grad Nation Stanford Social Innovation Review Fall 2024 Article

Grad Nation Stanford Social Innovation Review Fall 2024 Article

A 20-year campaign to address America’s high school dropout crisis produced unprecedented gains in graduation rates nationwide. Can lessons from this campaign help the nation cross this elusive threshold and inspire action on other social issues?

This article written by Robert Balfanz and John Bridgeland for the Fall 2024 Stanford Social Innovation Review details the efforts of the EGC’s Building a Grad Nations efforts to reduce America’s drop out crisis.

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About the Authors

BOB BALFANZ is a distinguished research professor at the Center for Social
Organization of Schools at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education, where
he is the director of the Everyone Graduates Center.

JOHN BRIDGELAND is executive chairman of the Office of American Possibilities,
a civic-moonshot factory that taps the entrepreneurial talent of Americans to
solve public challenges across divides, and CEO of Civic. He previously served as
director of the White House Domestic Policy Council under President
George W. Bush and member of the White House Council for Community
Solutions under President Barack Obama.

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