Cooke Middle School in Philadelphia was flagged for failing to make adequate yearly progress and targeted for possible reconstitution. The school implemented the Talent Development Middle Grades (TDMG) comprehensive reform model.
This four-year case study details the implementation of the reform in this high-poverty middle school and measures the performance of students at Cooke with that of students in a closely matched comparison school. The results show that students at Cooke had significantly different classroom experiences, and outperformed students at the control site in math, reading, and science achievement gains, as well as promotion rates, which led to the school’s removal from the reconstitution-eligible list.
The article describes the research-based reforms that were instituted and compares two cohorts of students from the TDMG school to two cohorts of students from a demographically matched comparison site.
“Removed From the List: A Comparative Longitudinal Case Study of a Reconstitution-Eligible School” Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Spring 2003, 18(3), 259-289. The full article can be purchased from the Journal’s online store