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Tools and Models  // Browsing posts in Tools and Models

Schools Battle Chronic Absenteeism – CNN

Schools Battle Chronic Absenteeism – CNN

(CNN) – Millions of students are chronically absent. CNN’s Athena Jones looks at what schools are doing to increase attendance. See the video, including EGC’s own Dr. Robert Balfanz, here on


Learning What it Takes

Learning What it Takes

Growing alarm over high dropout rates has created a groundswell of interest in ways to identify and respond to the needs of students at risk of falling off the graduation path. Groundbreaking research finds a substantial percentage of eventual dropouts can be identified at key transition points (sixth and ninth grades) using attendance, behavior, and […]


National Network of Partnership Schools

National Network of Partnership Schools

The Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships conducts research on the nature and effects of family and community involvement, and through the National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS) at Johns Hopkins University, guides schools, districts, and states to implement research-based partnership programs. Using a framework of six types of involvement and an action team […]


College Know-How

College Know-How

College Know How is a three-year initiative to develop and pilot curricula supporting high school students’ transition from high school into college.  The project also is piloting a professional development framework to assist teachers in integrating College Know How curricula into core academic courses. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education […]


Baltimore Talent Development High School

Baltimore Talent Development High School

The Baltimore Talent Development High School (BTDHS) is an innovation high school opened in fall 2004 through a partnership between Baltimore City Public Schools and the Johns Hopkins University.  Located in a high poverty neighborhood in southwest Baltimore, BTDHS serves close to 600 primarily poor and minority students.  In 2008, the school graduated its first […]


Baltimore Civitas School

Baltimore Civitas School

Civitas, Baltimore’s newest innovation school, opened its doors in fall 2008 with 200 6th and 9th grade students.  The school will ultimately serve grades 6-12.  Civitas promotes college preparation through active, project-based learning and community service.  Students will graduate ready for college and careers in public service, and as proactive citizens able to influence and […]


Chicago Achievement Academies

Chicago Achievement Academies

The Chicago Achievement Academies are small schools that serve struggling students significantly below grade level in core areas such as literacy and mathematics.  Located within seven high schools in Chicago, the Achievement Academies provide one or two years of intensive academic and social supports to ease students’ transition into high school and prepare them for […]


Curriculum to Accelerate Learning and Close Skill Gaps

Curriculum to Accelerate Learning and Close Skill Gaps

Struggling students can advance more rapidly and graduate prepared for college with additional instruction in literacy and mathematics, and curriculum specifically designed to identify, address and close their skill gaps. Talent Development has developed courses that provide 9th, 10th, and 11th graders who need it with a double-dose in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics.  […]


Extra Help Labs with Computer Assisted Instruction

Extra Help Labs with Computer Assisted Instruction

The ALFA Lab at the high school level and the Savvy Readers Lab and Computer and Team-Assisted Math Acceleration (CATAMA) lab in the middle grades relieve the pressure on teachers to slow down teaching in heterogeneous classes because they know that students who need intensive extra help will receive it in the labs.  Each lab […]


Hands-On, Minds-On History and Science for Middle Grades

Hands-On, Minds-On History and Science for Middle Grades

Talent Development Secondary provides guidance for curricular support across disciplines. At the middle grades level, this includes support for science and social studies. The Talent Development Middle Grades (TDMG) United States history curriculum brings together the award-winning, ten-volume series A History of US by Joy Hakim and ten teaching guides, resource books, and web-based lessons […]