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Download Arizona’s State Indices

Civic Marshall Plan State Indices

The Civic Marshall Plan (CMP) State Indices compile significant indicators of each state’s progress in addressing the dropout challenge, using widely available national metrics at significant grade levels. The CMP State Indices provide a quick, easily understood snapshot of each state’s status in meeting the graduation challenge, tallied against important benchmarks. They also identify the areas that need improvement if the state is to achieve a graduation rate of 90 percent or higher by 2020. As additional information and recommendations become available, the CMP Indexes will be expanded; they will also be updated annually to provide a “track record” of growth.

Download the Third Quarter Report for Arizona

The “Third Quarter” report shows whether the state was able to close key graduation gaps between 2011 and 2013. This file tracks the change in the Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) gap for the school years of 2010-11 to 2012-13 between Black and White students, Hispanic and White students, Students with Disabilities and Students without Disabilities, and Low-Income and Middle/High Income students. The graduation rate gap changes between student groups within this file were assessed by taking the ACGR gap that existed in 2010-11 minus the current 2012-13 ACGR gap between groups; hence, a “YES” indicates graduation rate gap closure and a “NO” indicates gap widening between groups.

Note. The Middle/High Income ACGR was estimated by subtracting low-income graduates from graduates for all students and dividing by the estimated total cohort of all students minus the number of low-income students within the state’s cohort (i.e., aggregated from the district level). The same method was applied for Students without Disabilities.

Sources: U.S. Department of Education through provisional data file of SY2010-11 and SY 2012-13 District and State Level Four-Year Regulatory Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates (ACGR).


Download the Fourth Quarter Report for Arizona

The “Fourth Quarter” report is a forecast of how many more students need to graduate to reach the GradNation campaign goal of a 90 percent graduation rate for all students. It aims to show the magnitude of the challenge in the state for Black, Hispanic, White, Students with Disabilities, Low-Income, and all students. This file contains the number of additional graduates currently needed, based on 2012-13 school year data, for each subgroup to have a 90 percent graduation rate.

Note. The number of additional graduates needed to reach 90 percent graduation rate(s) for all students and each subgroup was calculated using the 2012-13 district level ACGR file (i.e., for the state level cohort sizes) and the 2012-13 graduation rates for all students and students within each subgroup. The figures displayed in this file were calculated such that the number of students needed to reach a 90 percent graduation rate was done for each group of students within the state. Therefore, the totals for the individual subgroups may not sum to the total for all students.

Sources: U.S. Department of Education provisional data file: SY2012-13 District and State Level Four-Year Regulatory Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates (ACGR).

For More  Information about Building a Grad Nation

For more information about Building a Grad Nation and the Civic Marshall Plan, click here. For a  guidebook for communities that seek to improve their high school graduation and college readiness rates, click here.