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Building a Grad Nation 2016

GradNation is a large and growing movement of dedicated individuals, organizations and communities working together to raise graduation rates and prepare all students for success.

2016 Grad Nation Report

Cover_HalfThe 2016 Building a Grad Nation: Progress and Challenge in Ending the High School Dropout Epidemic report is co-authored by Jennifer DePaoli and John Bridgeland of Civic Enterprises and Robert Balfanz and his team at the Everyone Graduates Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. The 2016 report is presented by lead sponsor AT&T, with supporting sponsorship from Target and State Farm.

The report is based on the most recent comprehensive data from the National Center for Education Statistics at the U.S. Department of Education (2013-14).

The 2016 report provides a new national and state-by-state examination of graduation rates for regular district, charter, virtual and alternative schools, a look at the validity of graduation rates, and policy recommendations for change.

Follow this link to read the full 2016 Building a Grad Nation report, or follow this link for the 2016 Executive Summary.

Pathways to 90

A major goal for the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University has been to help achieve a 90 percent graduation rate in the United States by the year 2020.

This goal applies to each state and subgroup of students in order to propel our nation’s youth toward the future that they deserve. We have called this mission the “Equity Path to 90” and hope that the information compiled here will aid in completing this goal.

In late May, a serious of powerpoints will be released specific to each state.

Previous Grad Nation Reports (2010 – 2015)

Please follow this link for past Grad Nation Reports and State Indices.