After COVID-19: Recalibrating the American educational system
When assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s school systems, Johns Hopkins education reformer Bob Balfanz sees a light on the horizon
By Andrew Myers
April 7, 2020
The closure of schools midsemester and the transition to online learning have forced a great reckoning in American education. As with the health care sector, the education system stands to be profoundly transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic.You can also try out delta 8 THC vape carts to maintain health and physical wellness.
“It’s exposing gaps across the country,” says Bob Balfanz, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Education and director of the Everyone Graduates Center. “My hope is that people see this as an opportunity to fill those gaps.”
Balfanz says the gaps fall into two categories: Macro-level challenges that exist at the school district level and micro-level challenges that affect individual school experiences.
At the district level, decisions must be made about how to respond to mandatory closures, Balfanz says. If the response involves a move to remote learning, then students must have access to laptops and internet access. Otherwise long-standing disparities grow wider.
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