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Innovations in Curriculum and Instruction

Improving student achievement and ensuring that every student graduates means paying careful attention to the relationships among students, teachers, and content that lie at the core of the learning process.

Students drop out of school because they are bored or frustrated.  What they experienced in the classroom was either too easy, too hard, or disconnected from anything they care about.

Instructional approaches must engage students in learning and offer opportunities to learn and demonstrate mastery in different ways.  Curriculum must support those instructional approaches, meet students at their level and provide adequate scaffolding to support them to the next level.

The following are promising curricular and instructional interventions being developed and studied in the Everyone Graduates Center.  They represent a growing movement in the right direction to equip educators with not only theories but also training and tools they need to revolutionize classroom practice and support success for all students.

On Track to Career Success

On Track to Career Success

Co-Designing with Students: Learnings from the On Track to Career Success Project This paper highlights: • The ...

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Fixing No Child Left Behind: Innovation to Better Meet the Needs of Students (Roundtable)

Fixing No Child Left Behind: Innovation to Better Meet the Needs of Students (Roundtable)

Dr. Robert Balfanz testified before the US Senate HELP Committee on February 3, 2015. The ...

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Curriculum to Accelerate Learning and Close Skill Gaps

Curriculum to Accelerate Learning and Close Skill Gaps

Struggling students can advance more rapidly and graduate prepared for college with additional instruction in ...

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Extra Help Labs with Computer Assisted Instruction

Extra Help Labs with Computer Assisted Instruction

The ALFA Lab at the high school level and the Savvy Readers Lab and Computer ...

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Hands-On, Minds-On History and Science for Middle Grades

Hands-On, Minds-On History and Science for Middle Grades

Talent Development Secondary provides guidance for curricular support across disciplines. At the middle grades level, ...

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