The Roanoke Rapids 8th/9th Grade Transition Academy has seen dynamic results in its first year of implementation (School Year 2008-2009). We have cut the failure rate of freshmen in half just in the first year. Before the Transition Academy, 56% of freshmen were failing one or more courses. With the Transition Academy in place, only 28% have failed one or more courses. Also, before the Transition Academy 17 first time freshmen dropped out. After the establishment of the Transition Academy, 5 first time freshmen dropped out. There has also been a decrease in our disciplinary referrals for ninth grade students. The Transition Academy has also seen a 26% increase in the Algebra I EOC scores and a 12% increase in the English I EOC scores. Now that we have almost completed our second year, our data has shown positive results once again. At the end of the first semester of 2009-2010 school year, 6% of those freshmen who participated in the transition academy their 8th grade year were failing one or more courses. English I EOC scores have risen from 73.09% to 94% proficient, and Algebra I scores have increased from 63% to 70% proficient. Three first time freshmen have dropped out and our discipline referrals continue to decrease.
Read the full profile, available in pdf here.