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Students’ Mental and Emotional Health

These presentations deal with the link between poverty and students’ mental health and well-being.  The first presentation delves into how poverty is linked to different types of stress and trauma in children, how it can contribute to mental health issues among children, and how these mental health issues affect schools. The second presentation looks at how the prevalence of traumatic family experiences, anxiety, and depression varies among students nationwide. The third provides information on potential responses and strategies to support students dealing with traumatic events.

Students’ Emotional and Mental Health

Presenter: Richard Lofton, PhD, Assistant Professor, Center for the Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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Student Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression in the United States

Presenter: Daniel Princiotta, PhD Student, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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Responses and Suggested Solutions

Presenter: Maxine J. Wood, EdD, Director/Senior Advisor, Pathways from Poverty, Center for the Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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