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Food Insecurity

One in five households with children are food insecure. These families have limited or uncertain access to adequate food. In many cases, parents go hungry to feed their children. Even in these instances, household stress has negative effects on students. Growing up with food insecurity can cause children to have educational and health-related challenges. There is substantial variability in levels of food insecurity among schools. Those with many food insecure children see negative impacts of food insecurity on school-level academic outcomes. Fortunately, solutions exist. The key is getting solutions to the right places and implementing them well and at the scale required.

Food Insecurity Presentation


  • Robert Balfanz, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of Schools (CSOS), Johns Hopkins University School of Education
  • Daniel Princiotta, PhD Student, Johns Hopkins University School of Education
  • Richard Lofton, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Facilitator: Maxine J. Wood, EdD, Director/Senior Advisor, Pathways from Poverty, Center for the Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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