The newest publication by Martha Abele Mac Iver and Robert Balfanz, Continuous Improvement in High Schools, gives educators and policymakers an accessible, actionable framework to address one of the nation’s most important educational priorities: improving high school graduation and postsecondary preparedness rates.
Martha Abele Mac Iver and Robert Balfanz, national experts in dropout prevention, apply the Carnegie Foundation’s continuous improvement framework to the issue of student success in high school, starting with the critical ninth-grade year. A proven tool for organizational change, the continuous improvement framework provides a systematic structure for examining the root causes of problems and testing possible solutions.
Mac Iver and Balfanz draw on their decades of experience working with educators and their deep knowledge of challenges faced by high schools to customize the framework to the high school context. They model the use of improvement science principles such as establishing practical measures, conducting disciplined inquiry, and accelerating learning through networked communities. With real-world examples and ideas for change, the authors show how attention to five key areas can enrich student educational experience and improve high school outcomes. These areas include: early warning and intervention systems; family engagement; students’ sense of connectedness to school; social, emotional, and academic development; and teacher instructional practices.
The guidance offered in this useful work will enable educators and their collaborating partners to create their own powerful solutions for student success.
Continuous Improvement in High Schools: Helping Students Succeed
by Martha Abele Mac Iver and Robert Balfanz