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Ongoing Research  // Browsing posts in Ongoing Research

On Track to Career Success

On Track to Career Success

Insights from a Pandemic: Reflections from the On Track to Career Success Project After extensive planning and work building multiple partnerships, the On Track to Career Success (OTCS) project was launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and New Orleans, Louisiana in early 2020. The OTCS project works with partner schools and communities to create a framework […]


A Call to Action: Generating Strategies that Promote Nurturing, Justice, and Equitable Environments in Baltimore

A Call to Action: Generating Strategies that Promote Nurturing, Justice, and Equitable Environments in Baltimore

By Richard Lofton, Jr. In the 19th century, Daniel Coker, William Lively, William Watkins, and Father James Hector Nicholas Jourbert de la Muraille and the Oblate Sisters of Providence provided nurturing educational environments for Black Maryland residents through Sabbath and Day Schools that aimed to acknowledge and support the “whole person” (Gardner, 1976). At that […]


GradNation leaders sound the alarm as U.S. remains off-track to reaching 90 percent

GradNation leaders sound the alarm as U.S. remains off-track to reaching 90 percent

Recently, the U.S. Department of Education released new data to reflect the latest high school graduation rates.  The national rate has reached 84.1 percent for 2016, up from 83.2 percent in 2015. The four organizations leading the GradNation campaign to raise the high school graduation rate to 90 percent by 2020 – the Alliance for Excellent Education, America’s Promise […]


2014 Grad Nation High School Graduation Rates

2014 Grad Nation High School Graduation Rates

Download the Building a Grad Nation Data Brief: Overview of 2013-14 High School Graduation Rates. Click here to view the Press Release.   Click here to view each State’s ProgressReport  


Every Student, Every Day

Every Student, Every Day

Every Student, Every Day: A Virtual Summit on Addressing and Eliminating Chronic Absence. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Attendance Works, Everybody Graduates Center and United Way Worldwide, this online summit outlines key steps that states, districts and communities can take to improve student achievement by monitoring and reducing chronic absence. Click here to […]


AEE Dropout Report

AEE Dropout Report

The  number of students who did not graduate from high school dropped from more than 1 million in 2008 to 744,000 in 2012, according to “Progress Is No Accident: Why ESEA Can’t Backtrack on High School Graduation Rates,” just released by the Everyone Graduates Center, the Alliance for Excellent Education, Civic Enterprises and America’s Promise […]


2015 Building a Grad Nation Report

2015 Building a Grad Nation Report

Too many students are trapped in failing schools or in communities of intergenerational poverty with too few ways out. This sixth annual report to the nation highlights the significant progress that has been made, but also the serious challenges that remain – closing gaping graduation gaps between various student populations; tackling the challenge in key […]


A Curriculum of Engagement: Micro-process Interventions that Support Successful Transitions from Middle to High School

A Curriculum of Engagement:  Micro-process Interventions that Support Successful Transitions from Middle to High School

What are the daily actions adults in schools must take to ensure students attend regularly, are engaged in schoolwork, and learn to high standards?  This three-year project funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences is developing and piloting an attendance outreach and incentive program, an academic counseling and support program, and […]


Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC)

Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC)

The Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC) is a partnership between Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, and the Baltimore City Public School System to enhance Baltimore’s capacity to conduct strategic data analysis that supports improvements in the education of Baltimore’s children. BERC’s mission is to conduct and disseminate long- and short-term strategic data analysis and […]


Using Data to Keep All Students On-Track for Graduation: Team Playbook

Using Data to Keep All Students On-Track for Graduation: Team Playbook

How can educators organize middle and high schools so they provide the supports students need to keep them in school and on-track for secondary, post-secondary, and future success?  Or more directly, how do we organize our schools so that students stay in school, behave appropriately, try hard, and succeed in their courses? A central lesson […]